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About us
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam hendrerit scelerisque lectus, non molestie quam elementum sed. Ut eget consequat tellus. Maecenas sed aliquet augue, a gravida lorem. Sed id varius magna. Vivamus eros nisi, finibus quis mollis ut, posuere at enim. Sed aliquet faucibus nisi et venenatis. Duis eget elementum tellus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla laoreet, orci a gravida tempus, neque massa viverra ex, et pharetra lorem ante vel lacus. Morbi pulvinar congue ipsum consequat cursus. Vivamus felis magna, eleifend tempor cursus ut, fringilla ut libero. Cras gravida odio maximus semper laoreet. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
About us
About The Company
QPH 5.0 is a healthcare consulting company of leading professionals in providing proven strategies that have achieved top-tier HEDIS Rates in the State and the Top 25 Nationally using the Member Report Card for Care or Service Gaps©.
We have expert NCQA Accreditation Consulting in the following area:
We have expert NCQA Accreditation Consulting in the following area:
- Health Plan Accreditation
- Managed Behavioral Healthcare Organization Accreditation
- Health Equity Accreditation
- Patient-Centered Medical Home Accreditation

Quality Department Governance:
- Structuring your Quality Dept.
- Retention Strategies for Quality Staff
- Training Programs for Quality Staff
- NCQA/HEDIS Mock Auditing
- • STAR/CMS Mock Auditing
- STAR/CMS Mock Auditing
- Data Optimization
- Population Health Strategies and proven interventions that close care gaps via direct
- Member and Provider Engagement
- Guidance on the development of key reports that drive outreach and outcomes
- Quality Documents Review
About The Company
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam hendrerit scelerisque lectus, non molestie quam elementum sed. Ut eget consequat tellus. Maecenas sed aliquet augue, a gravida lorem. Sed id varius magna. Vivamus eros nisi, finibus quis mollis ut, posuere at enim. Sed aliquet faucibus nisi et venenatis. Duis eget elementum tellus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla laoreet, orci a gravida tempus, neque massa viverra ex, et pharetra lorem ante vel lacus. Morbi pulvinar congue ipsum consequat cursus. Vivamus felis magna, eleifend tempor cursus ut, fringilla ut libero. Cras gravida odio maximus semper laoreet. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

About Us

About us
About The Company
A healthcare consulting firm that can help you build a quality department from A-Z, to include recruitment of staff, training, retention of staff which all result in a healthy community, HEDIS rates that you can be proud of, and increased revenue as a result of improved HEDIS/STAR Ratings with a goal of 4 STAR or higher for NCQA and CMS.
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About Us

About us
About The Company
QPH 5.0 Healthcare Consulting Group, LLC ™ is a company of leading professionals in providing:
- Proven strategies that have achieved top-tier operational excellence, including but not limited to >$10K in grant opportunities annually, HEDIS ™ Rates in the State and the Top 25 Nationally using the Member Report Card for Care or Service Gaps©, etc. We have expert operations, accreditation, and transportation consulting services
- Expert Guidance on Business Operations and Structure
- Expert Guidance on Grant Opportunities to further your Company’s Mission/Vision
- Expert Scrum Project Management Support
- Health Plan Accreditation
- Managed Behavioral Healthcare Organization Accreditation
- Health Equity Accreditation
- Patient-Centered Medical Home Accreditation
- Expert Guidance on Closing Care Gaps for your population
- Training and Education on Medicaid, Medicare, Commercial, and Marketplace Exchange
- Medical Equipment Transportation
QPH 5.0 Healthcare Consulting Group, LLC ™ is also a company of leading professionals that support:
- Community Enhancement: Enhancing local communities to improve the quality of life for underserved individuals and families in the local service area.
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Promoting relationships and fostering understanding among diverse groups within the local service area.
- Educational Empowerment: Offering after-school enrichment, tutoring, or vocational training opportunities to empower low-income individuals and families in the local service area.
- Environmental Stewardship: Initiating waste reduction, recycling programs, and other initiatives to enhance the local environment.
- Health and Human Welfare: Providing medical screenings, treatment, social support, and shelters to uplift low-income individuals and families within the local service area.
- Strengthening Public Safety: Supporting public safety programs through training and equipment provision in the local service area.
- Enriching Quality of Life: Expanding access to recreational, artistic, and cultural experiences to benefit low-income individuals and families in the local service area.
The “Caring CEO” And Her Expert Team Of Quality Masters Have The Following Years Of Experience:
- “Efficiently” Closing Healthcare Gaps – 20+ years of experience
- Extraction of medical records – 20+ years of experience
- Quality Operations of Information Systems – 20+ years of experience
- Enhancing your HEDIS™ reporting procedure – 20+ years of experience
- Trilogy Document Preparation using Six Sigma with 100% on NCQA Audits
- Best Method to Focus on State, CMS, and NCQA Measures Concurrently
- Initiatives for Quality Improvement – 20+ years of experience
- NCQA Accreditation – 20+ years of experience
- Quality Department Structuring Models – 20+ years of experience
- Quality Department Project Management of internal audits – 20+ years of experience
- Medicaid, Medicare, Commercial and Marketplace Exchange Training and Education – 20+ years of experience
- Equipment/Materials Transportation – Bonded for $1M
QPH 5.0 Healthcare Consulting Group, LLC™ Is A Company Focused On:
- Improving Member Health Status
- Increasing Member Gap Closure Rates and Satisfaction based on science (i.e., Proven Motivation Theories such as the Economics Motivation Theory and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Motivation Theory)
- Closing Member Gaps by 4th Quarterly Annually
- HEDIS Blitz Programs
- Decreasing Member Abrasion
Who Would Benefit:
- Quality Department Leaders at any of the organizations below:
- Federal Healthcare Organizations
- State Health Departments
- Provider Offices & Leaders
- Patient-Centered Medical Home & Leaders
- Upstart Managed Care Organizations & Leaders
- Accountable Care Organizations & Leaders
- Provider Owned Organizations & Leaders
- Insurance Companies spanning Medical, Auto, etc.
- For Profit and Not for Profit Organizations
- Consultative Services
- Leasing the Annual Member Report Card©
Quality is Everyone’s Responsibility William Edward Deeming
- So, how “exactly” does each department in the organization contribute? Every function we coordinate and manage in the Quality Department impacts all departments within the Company. Therefore, every department plays a role in the accreditation and regulatory audit processes, the HEDIS process, the Member Satisfaction (CAHPS) process, the Member Safety Processes, the Data Processes and Reports, and/or the Quality Project Management processes.
Mission Statement
QPH 5.0 Healthcare Consulting Group, LLC is a leader in improving the health status of every person, especially those in underprivileged communities, to enhance the quality and longevity of their lives.
Vision Statement
To inspire communities globally, including underprivileged communities, to become health conscious through education, motivation, and innovation to promote healthier life choices that prolong life.